Doan Fellows

Doan Scholars 2014
Doan Scholars

The University of Notre Dame's Franklyn E. Doan Undergraduate Fellows program honors College of Arts and Letters students who have demonstrated academic success, provided substantial service to the university or surrounding community, and show promise as scholars and leaders of color based on their performance during their first year at Notre Dame. The program is supported by a gift from the estate of the late Franklyn E. Doan, a 1929 graduate of Notre Dame. 

Each Franklyn E. Doan Undergraduate Fellow receives an award commemorating the Doan designation.

The Doan Fellows represent some of the best and brightest students on our Notre Dame campus. Africana Studies is lucky to have the opportunity to work with these talented students and we welcome questions about the fellows, the program, and our commitment to supporting diversity initiatives across campus.

About the Award

As Doan Fellows, students remain active participants in the Department of Africana Studies and become part of a mentoring cohort under the supervision of the department's director of undergraduate studies. In addition, Doan Fellows are eligible to apply for travel expenses to conferences, archives, or other cultural events related in some way to their major academic interests or vocational aspirations. Group community building events, one on one mentoring, and connection to University resources related to pursuing graduate education are also part of our programming.  

Kenzell Huggins
Doan Fellow Kenzell Huggins '16 won an NSF fellowship to pursue a Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of Chicago

About the Winners

Since the program began in 2005, all 54 Doan Fellows have completed their bachelor's degrees at Notre Dame.

Approximately 20% of these alumni are pursuing careers in finance, marketing, or business; 20% have entered the profession of teaching; 20% have entered law school or are currently practicing law; and 11% entered or completed terminal programs. Others are in health professions including practicing physicians, ministry, social work, and public policy. 

We invite you to learn more about where our Doan Fellows and Africana Studies students go after graduation. 

Selection Process

During the fall semester of each academic year, the director of undergraduate studies in the Department of Africana Studies identifies Franklyn E. Doan award candidates. These candidates represent the ten undergraduate students of color who have completed the First Year of Studies with the highest grade point averages. Candidates are invited for an initial round of personal interviews with a committee appointed in consultation with the director of undergraduate studies or chairperson in the Department of Africana Studies. 

The personal interview with the Doan Selection Committee typically occurs in late fall each year. The interview serves three purposes - providing students with an opportunity to talk about their academic interests, what brought them to Notre Dame, and their commitments to social issues, and their aspirations. This is initial interview also serves as an occasion to learn about students’ participation in service projects and leadership. Evidence of such activities may include—but is in no way exclusively limited to—leadership activities in residence halls, participation in the organization of campus-wide events, involvement in student government, and volunteer work in their home communities or in the neighborhoods surrounding Notre Dame. Finally, the interview enables faculty and students to begin thinking about a plan for research, applications for grants and scholarships, and for graduate school. Thus faculty on the Doan Selection Committee can learn about how to best serve these students as mentors.

Following the first round interviews, the committee will select a group of Doan finalists. Each finalist will write an essay of approximately 1,500 words that is typically due in early spring. The essay topic, selected personally by each candidate, may be on a topic related to one’s academic focus, a contemporary issue, or a specific subject area related to Africana history, religion, or culture. Students are free to write an essay that builds upon and extends a course assignment or write something entirely new that incorporates some research.

In the second round of interviews, students will make an oral presentation to the members of the Doan Selection Committee about their paper. Each student completing this process will become a Doan Fellow for the remainder of their time in the College.