Stuart Greene honored at annual President’s dinner

Author: Office of Internal Communications

Nine University of Notre Dame educators were honored with awards at the University’s annual President’s Dinner held May 17, 2016 including Africana Studies professor Dr. Staurt Greene.

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2016 Presidential Award, Stuart Greene, Associate Professor of English

The Presidential Award recognizes distinguished service to the University over an extended period of time. Foremost among the many contributions this year’s winner makes to the Notre Dame community is his dedicated action toward enhancing educational outcomes for his students and others. Co-editor of the award-winning volume “Making Race Visible: Literacy Research for Cultural Understanding,” he co-founded and then spent 10 years directing the interdisciplinary minor in Education, Schooling, and Society, or ESS. His idea was to give undergraduates the opportunity to study education through the lens of the social, historical, psychological, cultural and economic influences that impact children and communities. Colleagues, students and alumni alike say he is the embodiment of kindness and the holistic, human approach to mentorship and learning that characterizes ESS. Whether helping first-generation students navigate the university landscape, traveling with students over break to explore difficult course material in real life, or hosting dinner for students who cannot go home for Thanksgiving, he is a tireless advocate for social justice who creates spaces where those who might otherwise feel at the margins are known and valued for precisely who they are. 

Originally published by Office of Internal Communications at on May 18, 2016.