Diversity & Inclusion Conference

Author: Daily Domer Staff



Amanda Skofstad | August 31, 2019

The University of Notre Dame will host a one-day diversity and inclusion conference on Sept. 6 (Friday) for faculty, staff and students titled “Open Minds, Loving Hearts & an Engaged Community.” Events include keynote addresses by Robin DiAngelo, author of “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism,” and Rev. Joseph Brown, S.J., social activist, artist and professor of Africana studies at Southern Illinois University.

The breakout sessions are free, require advance registration and are open to Notre Dame students and employees. DiAngelo’s 11:30 a.m. keynote is free and open to the public.

Inspired by Catholic social teaching and animated by the University’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, this conference aims to educate and engage the Notre Dame community by setting aside time to listen to poignant speakers, learn tangible skills in combatting bigotry and help create a campus climate that is conducive to everyone doing their best work. The day will end with a charge to take action.    

“For many, Notre Dame is an amazing place to work or to go to school, but we want it to be amazing for everyone,” said Eric Love, Notre Dame director of staff diversity and inclusion. “With this conference, we are illustrating the seamless connection between Catholic social teaching and diversity and inclusion.”

Read more here. 

Originally published by Daily Domer Staff at dailydomer.nd.edu on August 31, 2019.