Nuestras Historias: Stories of Mexican Identity from the Permanent Collection


Location: National Museum of Mexican Art, 1852 W. 19th street Chicago, IL 60608

Exhibition Open Year-Round Tuesday – Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm in the Permanent Collection Gallery 



Nuestras Historias (Our Histories) highlights the Museum’s Permanent Collection to showcase the dynamic and diverse stories of Mexican identity in North America. The exhibition presents cultural identity as something that continually evolves across time, regions, and communities, rather than as a static, unchanging entity, and features ancient Mesoamerican and colonial artifacts, modern Mexican art, folk art, and contemporary works from both sides of the U.S.–Mexican border. The vast diversity of Mexican identities demonstrated in these works defies the notion of one linear history and a singular identity.

Nuestras Historias destaca la colección permanente del museo, la cual expone las historias dinámicas y diversas de la identidad mexicana en Norteamérica. La exhibición muestra la identidad cultural como algo que evoluciona continuamente a través del tiempo, de regiones y de comunidades,  en vez de señalarla como una entidad estática e inmutable, exhibiendo para esto, artefactos mesoamericanos y coloniales, arte moderno mexicano, arte popular, y arte contemporáneo de los dos lados de la frontera EE.UU-México.  La gran diversidad de identidades mexicanas mostradas en estas obras desafía la noción de una sola historia lineal e identidad única. 

Curator: Cesáreo Moreno




·         Josefina Aguilar (b.1945)

·         Carlos Almaraz (1941-1989)

·         Alfredo Arreguin (b.1935)

·         David Ávalos (b.1947)

·         Rocío Caballero (b.1964)

·         Miguel Cabrera (1695-1768)

·         Marcial Camilo Ayala (b.1951)

·         Charles M. Carrillo (b.1956)

·         Alfonso Castillo Orta (b.1944-2009)

·         Mario Castillo (b.1945)

·         Jean Charlot (1898-1979)

·         Rafael Coronel (b.1931)

·         Carlos Cortéz (1923-2005)

·         Olga Costa (1928-1993)

·         Álvaro de la Cruz (b.1951)

·         Einar de la Torre (b.1960)

·         Jamex de la Torre (b.1963)

·         José de Páez (1720–1790)

·         Santos Motoaopohua de la Torre (b.1942)

·         Alejandro Díaz (b.1963)

·         Fidencio Durán (b.1961)

·         Héctor Duarte (b.1952) 

·         José Esquivel (b.1935)

·         Renato Esquivel (b.1953)

·         Manuel Felguérez (b.1928)

·         Ana Teresa Fernández (b.1981)

·         Francisco Flores (1932-2009)

·         Demetrio García Aguilar (b.1968)

·         Gunther Gerzso (1915-2000)

·         Gronk (b.1957)

·         Guillermo Gómez-Peña (b.1955)

·         Nicholas Herrera (b.1964)

·         Jesús Helguera (1910-1971)

·         Miguel Linares Mendoza (b.1949)

·         Pedro Linares López (b.1906-1992)

·         Carmen Lomas Garza (b.1948)

·         Lucas Lorenzo

·         Juan Carlos Macías Islas (b.1961)

·         Mardonio Magaña (1864-1947)

·         Nicole Marroquin (b.1970)

·         César Augusto Martínez (b.1944)

·         Franco Mondini-Ruiz (b.1961)

·         Rodolfo Morales (1925- 2001)

·         Oscar Moya (b.1956)

·         Elsa Muñoz (b.1983)

·         Alejandro Nava (1956-2014)

·         Margarito Nuñez-Martínez (b.1930)

·         Rubén Ortiz-Torres (b.1964)

·         Antonio Pérez (b.1962)

·         Marcos Raya (b.1948)

·         Aydeé Rodríguez López (b.1955)

·         Alejandro Romero (b.1948)

·         Arturo Sosa Pérez (b.1942)

·         María Tomasula (b.1958)

·         John Valadez (b.1951)

·         Patssi Valdez (b.1951)

·         Vincent Valdez (b.1977)

·         Guillermo Vargas Alberto (b.1966)

·         Salvador Vega (b.1957)

·         Román Villarreal (b.1950)

Image Credits

Oscar Moya, Blue Collar / Cuello azul2000acrylic on canvas, 50″×56″, NMMA Permanent Collection, 2006.92, Gift of the artist in memory of Salima Rivera-Moya, photo: Michael Tropea

attrib. Miguel Cabrera, Virgen de Guadalupe, ca. 1740, oil on canvas, 38″×28½”, NMMA Permanent Collection, 2008.2, Purchase made possible by Deirdre F. McBreen, Maura Ann McBreen, Siobhan M. and William J. Burke, Hugh G. and Michele L. McBreen, Alannah N. McBreen, John G. McBreen, Paul J. and Catherine S. McBreen, Callian F. McBreen, Paul C. McBreen, Stacia S. McBreen, Tatum M. McBreen, Clare Muñana in honor of her parents, Carla and Charles Muñana, Maria C. Bechily and Scott Hodes, Martin R. Castro and Amalia S. Rioja, Sue N. Clark, Al Ferreira in memory of Alfred Ferreira, Julie Chavez, Dr. Mary Amelia Chuman, Armando Almendarez, Alejandro Silva, Torres Family and Friends in memory of Genevieve G. Torres, Richard Alcala of Alcala Western Wear, Carmelita and Ronald Bader in memory of Carmelita and Ruben Gonzales, Deborah Bricker, Joyce Chelberg, Rosemary Croghan, Pamela Crutchfield, Patricia and Leonard Dominguez, Dulcelandia, Federación de Clubes Michoacanos en Illinois, Deborah and James Franczek, Judy and Jim Gillespie, Jim Goodridge and Joan Riley, Stephen C. and Jo Ellen Ham in honor of Daniel J. Bender, Flavia Hernandez, Bill and Norma Hinsdale, Virginia and Seymour LaRock, Fidel Marquez, Robert and Kim Mendonsa, Ray, JoAnn, Doug and Jeff Mota, D. Elizabeth Price, Alexander A. and Yolanda Stemer and many other generous supporters, photo: Michael Tropea

West Mexico, Jalisco, Seated Dignitary / Hombre sentado, 200 B.C.E. – 200 C.E.polychrome ceramic22½”x11¼”x9¼”, NMMA Permanent Collection, 2013.293, Gift of Betsy Iventosch Babb and Frank E. Babb, photo: Michael Tropea

Carmen Lomas Garza, The Posadas / Las posadas2000oil on birch veneer wood panel, 30”x42”, NMMA Permanent Collection, 2000.92, Daniel F. and Ada I. Rice Foundation, photo: Lee Fatherree



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