Tea Time for the Arts


Location: Morris Inn

The Notre Dame Center for Arts and Culture’s (NDCAC) signature fundraiser, Tea Time for the Arts, is on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016, in the William and Mary Ann Smith Ballroom of the Morris Inn on the University of Notre Dame campus.


The NDCAC is dedicated to providing quality year-round programming for the neighboring community. These programs include opportunities for children to experience art and culture through Global Experience events, tutoring services, related exhibitions in the Crossroads Gallery, and fine art printmaking in the Segura Arts Studio. We are proud of our arts and culture programs’ engagement with the heart of the community, a mission that we believe supports the University’s longstanding role as an anchor in the local area.


Each dollar raised through Tea Time for the Arts will enable us to continue engaging the local community through our programs and renovaton goals and the national community at large through our traveling arts exhibition program. Our hope is that event will bring people for a relaxing tea time in support of this great cause.

Special thanks to the Morris Inn for their support.

Originally published at artsandculture.nd.edu.